Lawer Kristina Blushi about Albanians in Italy: Now they are more integrated
"Adrenaline makes you fall but also climbs a mountain...
Mimoza Guxo: Being a pandemic Albanian nurse in Canada
For more than twenty years, Mimoza Guxo has been...
Suela Jorgaqi an European citizen, with stable Albanian roots
Suela Jorgaqi after graduating from the Faculty of Foreign...
USA / The success of the Albanian brothers and their pizzeria “Zeneli”
New Haven is known for pizza and Zeneli is...
Publications in Diaspora / In 1915 in Chicago was published “THE ALBANIAN ERA”
"THE ALBANIAN ERA" was a political, social, historical and...
May 3, 1877, the Committee of Ioannina was established
On May 3, 1877, in Ioannina, under the chairmanship...
Belgium / Alba Restaurant, an authentic Albanian taste in Brussels
There is a small place in Brussels where lights,...
Portokanuni arbëresh, or Skanderbeg Square where people welcome you generously
On the afternoon of July 21, 2019 I was...
Italy / Over a thousand Albanian enterprises in Puglia
Albanians who emigrated and stayed in Puglia, Italy after...
USA / Selected by CISCO, Eris Bleta: Do not give up on dreams!
The success stories of Albanians around the world make...
Lawer Kristina Blushi about Albanians in Italy: Now they are more integrated
"Adrenaline makes you fall but also climbs a mountain...
Mimoza Guxo: Being a pandemic Albanian nurse in Canada
For more than twenty years, Mimoza Guxo has been...
Suela Jorgaqi an European citizen, with stable Albanian roots
Suela Jorgaqi after graduating from the Faculty of Foreign...
USA / The success of the Albanian brothers and their pizzeria “Zeneli”
New Haven is known for pizza and Zeneli is...
Publications in Diaspora / In 1915 in Chicago was published “THE ALBANIAN ERA”
"THE ALBANIAN ERA" was a political, social, historical and...
May 3, 1877, the Committee of Ioannina was established
On May 3, 1877, in Ioannina, under the chairmanship...
Belgium / Alba Restaurant, an authentic Albanian taste in Brussels
There is a small place in Brussels where lights,...
Portokanuni arbëresh, or Skanderbeg Square where people welcome you generously
On the afternoon of July 21, 2019 I was...
Italy / Over a thousand Albanian enterprises in Puglia
Albanians who emigrated and stayed in Puglia, Italy after...
USA / Selected by CISCO, Eris Bleta: Do not give up on dreams!
The success stories of Albanians around the world make...
Të fundit
Xhamia e Ballies mes 5 objekteve të kultit për finalen e “Ndërtesa e vitit 2025”
E ndërtuar në vitin 1608 Xhamia e Ballies në Elbasan do të ishte ndërtesa më e bukur e kohës, përtej Shqipërisë. E shembur gjatë kohës...
SHBA/ Ndahet nga jeta kreu i televizionit “Albanian Community”
Televizioni i Diasporës Shqiptare në Amerikë, “Albanian Community” ditën e sotme është në zi. Pronari i këtij televizioni, Albert Spahi, ditën e sotme humbi jetën...
50 vjet nga vdekja e Naim Frashërit
Më 18 shkurt 1975, në Tiranë ndërroi jetë Naim Frashëri, aktori i miënjohur shqiptar. Karrierën profesionale si aktor e filloi në fillim të vitit...
Futbollisti shqiptar Ardon Jashari në radarin e klubeve të mëdha italiane
Ardon Jasharit i janë dashur pak muaj te Club Brugge për të dëshmuar potencialin që ka. Jashari në verën e kaluar u transferua nga Luzerni...
Kreu i KQZ, Celibashi sqaron kur do të numërohet vota e Diasporës
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