The star of The Secret Movie, Marie Diamond, an internationally known Master Feng Shui consultant, meets and interviews the one and only Tony J. Selimi, a globally known masterful healer, teacher, multi-award-winning author of several books, filmmaker, celebrity life strategist, and business coach specialising in human behaviour and maximising human potential at the rooftop of The Beverly Hilton in, Hollywood, Los Angeles.
The topic of their interview is something that every human being would benefit from, The Secrets to Unlocking Universal Intelligence, Unity Field, Making Universal Laws such as the Law of Attraction work for you, and what people can do to tap into the divine intelligence. Hence, they heal, grow, transform and create the life they want.
This article is just not about sharing any familiar story; it is an extraordinary journey of an Albanian from Gostivar, who went from surviving the atrocities of the Yugoslav civil war, living homeless in London, working several jobs to pay for his education, graduating with honours from one of the top UK universities, building a career as a senior information technology engineer, to becoming a highly successful CEO of his company, author of bestsellers, filmmaker, as well as adviser, motivator, mentor and coach to industry leaders, business owners, royals, influencers, Hollywood A-List Celebrities, and professionals of all fields.
Tony and Marie are two world-renowned healers and spiritual teachers who have helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 100 countries achieve their dreams. They authentically share their life transformation journey that, for many, sounds like a story that comes straight out of a Hollywood film.
Tony is the founder of TJS Cognition Ltd, a company dedicated to exploring, expanding, and evolving the frontiers of human awareness and potential. His mission is to inspire and teach men and women of all professions, nationalities, creeds, and colours how to become purposeful and disciplined masters of themselves and dedicated and inspired leaders and teachers of others. Through films, documentaries, books, speaking, coaching, mentoring, education, and training, they build spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, vocational/business, financial, familial, and social awareness, thus more effectively and efficiently serving humanity, exemplifying high human potential.
His unshakeable vision and purpose in life are to help One Billion people achieve personal, relationship, career, business, and economic transformations faster and easier than ever imagined. To infiltrate his science-based breakthrough methods, one-of-a-kind principles, and spiritual teachings in business, leadership, government, healthcare, and education and ultimately contribute towards accomplishing the 17 UN development goals and the evolution of human consciousness.
In this interview, Tony shared how he turned all the lessons he learned on his journey to write many bestseller books, including A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code®, and A Path to Excellence, to tap into the divine intelligence and source energy to make his and his client’s dreams come true. He uses his methods to activate the Law of attraction and create this unique experience between them happen so that together they can help you unlock your universal intelligence.
On the other hand, Marie shares how she worked as a lawyer for the Belgium government, became famous and appeared as a teacher in the film The Secret. She also shares how people can apply her unique system to improve their lives. Tony and Marie share potent insights that can help you activate your inner wisdom and manifest your deepest desires through Universal Intelligence. Do watch the full video on Tony’s YouTube Channel.
They take you on a journey through time. From when they were both in their twenties to their careers, and share how at a particular time in the past, they were at the same place at the same time without knowing each other, all the way up to the present day, where they both have celebrity clients from Hollywood and Tony is attending a premiere of his new documentary film The Truth About Reading. Tony and Marie reveal techniques for harnessing our unlimited power through conscious engineering, mindset transformation, planning, strategy and feng shui, as well as other natural laws, including:
- Drawing Down Your Genius – How to get connected with Source Energy
- The Law Of Attraction – How To Make It Work For You Every Time
- Cosmic Ordering – How To Get Anything You Want
- Powerful Insights individuals can use to become more empowered leaders of themselves and others
What is Tony J. Selimi doing at The Beverly Hilton?
Apart from his work as a life and business coach, trainer and author, for the last two years, Tony has been working as an executive producer of The Truth About the Reading documentary film. This documentary highlights the growing illiteracy problem in the USA and its impact on every level of society. It will be premiered on Tuesday at The Beverly Hilton, where many awards show, charity benefits, and entertainment and motion picture industry events have been hosted.
This hotel is mainly known as the annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony venue. Merv Griffin Way with The Beverly Hilton in the background in Beverly Hills, California. Conrad Hilton opened the Beverly Hilton in 1955. Next week, Tony will also receive a very prestigious award.
From this globally famous hotel in Beverly Hills, these two world-renowned teachers share how they unlocked the power residing in universal intelligence and how everyone can use easy-to-follow steps to do the same.
You may have heard of the Law of Attraction by now, but do you know how it works? And how can this law help you unlock your Universal Intelligence? Let’s take a look at the basics that these two teachers share.
Universal intelligence is a term used to describe the intelligence that created all that is what some refer to as God, Allah, etc. Marie and Tony share how we all have the innate ability to tap into this divine intelligence and help us create anything we desire in life.
Tony shares how our subconscious mind is composed of all our thoughts, feelings and emotions stored within our mind since birth. This divine intelligence has created everything that surrounds us. It is up to us to get out of our way and be in harmony with universal spiritual laws that can help us use the universal intelligence within to achieve whatever we want in life. If there were no universal intelligence, it wouldn’t make sense when people say, “I have an idea for a book, film, etc.”
All in all, Tony makes us think it’s clear there is much-untapped potential. And while we may not be able to reach it on our own, the right tools and guidance can help us get there. This enlightening conversation between Marie and Tony is bound to leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Both started their transformational journey from a very young age, from a humble beginning, and overcame many life challenges. What is beautiful to observe in how they converse with each other and their audience is how both share their gratitude for the obstacles, pains, and challenges they had to overcome. Through continuous learning, forgiveness and being grateful, they reached global success in their respective careers as teachers, healers, and international educators in service of the betterment of humanity.
Tony J. Selimi is a fantastic positive role model and an example of how, no matter what is going on in our life, we can use the tools Tony and Marie have created to access our universal intelligence and make our dreams happen.
To learn more about Tony, do read more
They finish their interview by each sharing three tips we all can take to become better leaders in our personal and professional lives.
Marie Diamond Leadership Tips
- Connect and listen to their heart’s so they can listen to humanity’s heart
- Check out the environment as it reflects their leadership style, let go of the past and focus on the present.
- Use gratitude to change your vibration and frequency at which you operate
Tony J. Selimi Leadership Tips
- Activate self-leadership and use heart intelligence by letting your heart’s love and wisdom be the only military commander that wins every battle life throughs at you.
- Have a great plan and a detailed winning strategy to help prevent burnout, exhaustion, stress and procrastination in the long run.
- Have a vision that spans beyond oneself; use the Octagon of Excellence Method to create breakthroughs and significant differences in the world.
For more information about Marie Diamond, go to, and about Tony J. Selimi, go to